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Graffiti Knitting

After stumbling upon this picture on Pinterest I knew I had to find out more about graffiti knitting. Otherwise known as yarn bombing or guerrilla knitting, people around the world are transforming iconic figures/buildings/areas with vibrant knitted or crochet designs.

Knit the City's Phone Box Cosy by Deadly Knitshade

Some are enormous for example the knitted bridge in Pittsburgh. 'Knit the Bridge' was a grassroots, community-led arts project that brings the many diverse communities of Pittsburgh and Southwestern Pennsylvania together to create a large-scale, aesthetically stunning, fiberarts installation on the Andy Warhol/7th Street Bridge. The installation unfortunately isn't on display anymore.

Yarn Bus by Mrs Sayeg

The difference between 'yarn bombing' and graffiti is that it does no damage to public property or historic structures and can easily be removed.

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