Project by Sarah at SJStitchery

These gorgeous hair scrunchies and drawstring pouches are a quick summer project and are super handy to throw in a bag and head out.
You will need
One selection pack of fat quarters
¼ inch elastic
Scissors/Rotary Cutter and Mat/ Pins/Thread/Needles

1. Using your rotary cutter, cut a strip of fabric measuring 22 inches long by approximately 3.5 inches wide.

2. With right sides together, fold the fabric strip in half and stitch a seam to join the 3.5 inch ends together. You should now have a loop of fabric.

3. Keeping right sides together, fold out the seam to the centre of the fabric. Fold the top loop of fabric inside the middle of the fabric, as shown below. Fold the two outside edges of fabric together and start to sew along the raw edges, ensuring you keep the middle piece of fabric tucked inside as you go.

4. Keep sewing along the outside seams, gently pulling through the inside fabric until you have formed a whole tube.

5. Pull the tube inside out and press seam flat with an iron.

6. Cut 9 inches of elastic and thread it through your scrunchie tube.

7. Tie a secure knot in the elastic and sew up the gap.
Enjoy your summer scrunchie!

1. Using your rotary cutter, cut a strip of fabric measuring 14x6 inches.

2. Stitch a small hem on both of the 6 inch sides.

3. With right sides together, fold the fabric strip in half.
4. Make a drawstring casing on the top of the bag by folding the two hems back about ½ an inch. Pin into place.
5. From the edge of the casing, stitch down the two sides of the bag.

6. Sew the casing in place, leaving a gap at the top of the bag for the drawstring to be threaded through.

7. Turn bag out the right way and press with an iron.

8. To make the drawstrings for the bag, cut two strips of fabric, measuring 1.5 by 22 inches.

9. Fold the strips to make a bias binding.

10. Sew down the open sides of the bias binding to make a string.

11. Thread half of the bias string through one side of the casing of the bag and then thread the second strip through the other side of the casing to make a drawstring. Make a knot in the ends. Pull the strings to drawstring the bag.
Your bag is complete.

To see more from Sarah, visit her on Instagram @sjstitchery
Made by Sarah Holliman for The Craft Cotton Company 2021