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Lilac Heart Garland

Project by Rebecca Cole

Making things for around the home is not only good for the wallet but also good for the soul! To be able to create things that can brighten up a living space is also a lot of fun! These heart garlands are very fashionable at the moment and can easily add a splash of colour to a space.

Time to Make:

2-3 hrs

Skill Level:


You Will Need:

· Olde World Lilac Cotton FQ pack

· Heart template - download here

· 2.5cm wide antique lace

· 2 x 2.5cm wooden buttons

· 14 x 2cm wooden beads

· Toy stuffing

· Sewing machine

· Complimentary sewing thread

· Twine

· Fabric pen

· Ruler

· Straight pins

· Elastic threader

· Tape measure

· Hand sewing needle

· Fabric scissors

· Iron

· Electrical tape (optional)


1. Cut out 4 heart shapes from 3 different fabrics (12 in total). On 2 of each set use your fabric marker and ruler to mark the centre line from the inverted point at the top to the point at the bottom. Next draw a perpendicular line across this central line 2.5cm down from the inverted point. Where this horizontal line meets the outside edge of the heart shape, place another mark 0.5mm above the line on both edges. This will mark the channel for the twine.

2. Select one design of fabric and lay the marked heart face up. Cut a length of lace and pin and stitch it horizontally across the front of the heart.

3. Place a corresponding fabric heart face up and lay the lace stitched heart face down on top. Mark a 3-5cm gap down one of the long straight sides. Pin the two layers together and stitch a 1cm seam allowance all the way around, skipping the gap along the side and the two 5mm gaps above the horizontal line. Snip into the inverted point, taking care not to catch the stitches, trim the excess seam allowance from the top curves, and from the point at the bottom, and turn the whole shape through the side gap. Pull out the point with a pin and press the sides. Repeat this with two more heart shapes to create a matching pair.

4. Select another of the fabric hearts and, face up, fold a loop of lace and pin it to the centre of one of the hearts. Position a button centrally on the top and stitch in place. Make up the heart in the same way as the first one, repeating to create a matching pair. You should now have 4 stitched hearts.

5. Repeat this construction process with the final 4 fabric hearts but this time don’t add any embellishment. You should now have 6 stitched hearts ready to be stuffed.

6. Using toy stuffing, a little at a time, stuff each of the hearts until they are nicely plump.

7. Hand stitch the large gaps closed with a neat whip stitch.

8. Cut your length of twine as desired (make sure you have enough to fit all the hearts and beads on and also to make loops at the ends). If preferred you can wrap one end of the twine in electrical tape as this helps to feed the twine through. Feed two wooden beads onto the twine and then select one of your hearts with the lace strip. Thread the twine end through the elastic threader (you may need to press the end flat to do this). Push the elastic threader through on of the holes in the side of the heart and feel your way to passing it back out the other side. This can be a little bit fiddly and don’t worry if the stuffing and seam allowance pops out with the threader. These can easily be pushed neatly back inside. Next, remove the threader again and feed two more wooden beads onto the twine.

9. Repeat this process as follows: 2 beads, lace strip heart, 2 beads, plain heart, 2 beads, button heart, 2 beads, lace strip heart, 2 beads, plain heart, 2 beads, button heart, 2 beads. You should now have 6 hearts and 14 beads on your twine.

10. To finish, measure a length of twine at each end (I have used 15cm) and make a loop in the ends ready to be hung.

To see more from Rebecca, visit her on Instagram @becky_cole_sews

Made by Rebecca Cole for The Craft Cotton Company 2021

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