We all have some sort of gadgets and I often find I have my IPad propped up while I’m sewing so I can watch something on the screen at the same time, so I thought I’d making myself a small beanbag so that I could position it in at the best angle. Of course you could make this for any size of tablet or phone and it’s equally great for propping a book on!

What you will need:
Needle & thread
Bean bag filling
0.5m of The Craft Cotton Company’s Mr Fox Cotton Print
First, make your patterns:
To get the size of the base, I measured the width of the tablet and used this as the size of the square (13cm in my case). Add 1cm seam allowance lines around the square. The crosses in the corners show where to start/stop the seam when sewing.

For the side panels of the bag, use the width measurement of the square (13cm in my case) and use this to draw the base of the rectangle. To get the height measurement for the rectangle, measure the height of your tablet and add 10cm. Use these measurements to make your rectangle.
To provide space in the bean bag for the gadget to sit resting against the support, this panel needs to increase in width in the lower half and reduce towards the top to produce a petal shape as illustrated in the picture.

Measure the top edge of your curved piece and make a small square to fit this size, then make a narrow strip 10cm x 2.5cm for the handle.
Next, cut the fabric and sew:
On the wrong-side of your fabric, draw around the patterns. You will need to cut 4 side panels, 1 large square, 1 small square and 1 handle strip.

Taking two side panels, place the fabrics with right sides together and pin. Sew along 1 long edge with a 1cm seam allowance.
Repeat this with the other side-panels so that they are all joined.

When all 4 pieces are joined you will have a sort of tube.

Now make the handle
Next, take your narrow strip fold in half lengthways, right-sides together, and sew along edge. This can then be turned in the right-way.
Take each end of the strip and sew the ends to opposite sides of the small square to make the handle.
Carefully pin the small square to the smaller opening of the tube piece. Be careful not to catch handle in seam, then sew in place. I have pinned all the way around the square, but if you find it easier you could pin and sew each side at a time.

Finally, sew the bottom and fill:
Repeat the steps of how you sewed in the top square with the bottom square. Make sure to leave a 6cm opening in one seam so you are able to turn through to the right-way and fill the bag.
When the bag has been turned through, it can be filled with bean bag filling!
Tip: I made a paper funnel to help with this bit. Fill almost to the top but don’t overfill as you want to be able to sit gadget into it (about ¾ full should do it).
Finally, close the opening using a slip-stitch and its ready to use! Why not make a smaller one for your phone too.
© By Nick Broom at Sew and Snip for The Craft Cotton Company 2016