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  • Writer's pictureCraft Cotton Co

Personalised Star Bunting

These gorgeous Licenced Disney Mickey Mouse prints are simply adorable, I love the white, mint, grey and orange colours used in this collection.

Perfect for a nursery or toddler room, spell out your child’s name… It’s a lovely way to add a little colour and your own personal touch, whether it be in your own child’s bedroom, or a gift for someone special

Materials • Fat quarter of white with ‘mickey’ writing • Half a metre of the three other fabrics in this Mint collection • Fat eighth of white cotton fabric • 2.5 meters of bright yellow bias binding • Gutermann variegated teal thread • Fat quarter of heat and bond • Small bag of toy fluff

Haberdashery items • Iron-away marker pen • Quilters ruler, rotary cutter/scissors • Iron • basic sewing supplies • Pinking shears • 8.5” star template, with tips cut off • Template for chosen letters* *I printed my letter templates from ‘word’ just choose the font and manually type in the size of the font you need, and print. Don’t forget to reverse the templates.

Making the bunting… Firstly, decide on the word you are going to create, I made ‘craftcotton’ - so this was 11 stars plus one at each end. I alternated the grey in between each of the two Mints and finished with a ‘white Mickey’ at each end.

I required the following: • 10 stars in grey mickey • 4 stars in white mickey • 6 stars in mint with red • 6 stars in mint with white

To make the stars, cut out 26 squares, measuring 9” from the required fabrics, using a heat erasable marker, draw around the star template on 11 of the squares. Take your letter templates and draw them in reverse onto the fusible interfacing – I found it helped to hold the paper I printed the letters onto, up the window and draw them onto the reverse, cut them out and draw around them.

Fuse this onto your white fabric, cut each letter out, and baste onto the stars. Blanket stitch around each letter using the variegated teal thread.

Match up the corresponding fabric for each star, with right sides facing out, sew along the markings to create the star, leave one side unsewn. Trim all sides leaving ¼” seam allowance with your pinking shears. Stuff the stars with ‘fluff’ and sew along the edge. Trim with pinking shears, leaving ¼” seam as before.

Once all your stars are complete, lay out your length of binding, and pin each star at regular intervals, tucking one point inside the fold of the binding, sew along the length of the binding, folding the last 2” of each end back on itself, creating a loop for hanging.

Your bunting is ready for hanging…

Creativeblonde recommends the following; Retailer for the Disney fabrics and other fabrics needed to complete this project Stockist for Gutermann threads

This Disney star bunting and tutorial has been created by me - creativeblonde for The Craft Cotton Co 2018

To see more of my tutorials, you can follow my blog and/or Instagram page and

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