These cute camels in lovely bright colours will bring smiles with them wherever they go.
Moroccan Bazaar fabric by The Craft Cotton Company
Toy stuffing
Embroidery thread
Step 1
Draw out the shape of a camel the size you want on a piece of paper, do not draw the legs onto the body but draw a leg separately.

Step 2
For each camel you will need to cut out two body pieces and 8 leg pieces, you will also need to cut two strips 12x4 cm for the tail. You can do all of this the same colour or have one colour for the body and different colours for the legs and tail.

Step 3
To make the tail take the two tail pieces, sew together leaving the top edge unsewn. Turn the right way and fold in half along the long edge, tie a knot in the bottom end.

Step 4
Take a front and back piece of the camel and place right sides together, place the tail in position between the front and back with its raw edge aligned with the raw edge of the front and back piece; sew around leaving a 6cm gap at the bottom for turning. Turn out the right way, stuff with toy stuffing and slip stitch close the gap.

Step 5
Sew the legs together by taking a front and back piece placing right sides together and sewing around leaving a 4cm gap for turning. Turn out the right way, stuff with toy stuffing and slip stitch close the gap.

Step 6
Sew the legs onto the camel using the embroidery thread.
Step 7
Sew the buttons on to the camel’s head for eyes.

Your camel is complete!

Made by Lesley Foster at Hook, Stitch Sew for the Craft Cotton Company 2018