Bring back memories of those days by the sea with this lovely quilted cushion.

What you will need:
Craft Cotton Company supplies:
Other supplies:
Directions for t:
Step 1: Using your rotary cutter and ruler, cut your patterned fabric into pieces
Yachts: 13” x 18.25”
Fishes: 6.5” x 6.5”
Anchors: 6.5” x 6.5”
Shells: 6.5” x 6.5”
Step 2: Sew the 6.5” blocks together then press each seam open and flat

Step 3: Pin the yachts fabric panel to the triple patterned block along the long side, sew together then press seam open and flat

Step 4: Cut the ric-rac into 2 pieces 7” long
Pin the ric-rac across the short seams then stitch in place using your presser foot central marker position to help keep the stitches running along the centre of the ric-rac

Step 5: Cut the ric-rac into a piece 19” long
Pin the ric-rac down the long seam then stitch in place as before

Step 6: Baste the wadding to the cushion front panel using either temporary fabric spray adhesive or tacking stitches
Step 7: Quilt the cushion front using your chosen methods or as follows:
Using the free-motion embroidery foot, embroider over selected motifs on the large printed panel to give additional quilted definition

Step 8: On the top and bottom smaller panels, quilt a straight stitched square deign, following the edges of the block first then use the machine foot and needle position function to create the spaces between each line of quilting

Step 9: On the small central panel, use the white stripes of the fabric design as guidelines for the quilting, remembering to stop/start at each side of the circular anchor prints to retain their clarity

Step 10: Cut the blue blender fabric into 4 strips 3.5” wide
Sew these to each side of the cushion front panel to create a border design

Step 11: Cut two pieces of the blue blender fabric 24” x 16” for the envelop cushion back
Along the long edge of each piece, fold over a double hem and stitch in place

Step 12: Cut a piece of ric-rac 24” long
Align this along the turned seam line on the front of one of the cushion back pieces. Use the presser foot as a guide to help keep stitches central

Step 13: Position the envelope back pieces right sides facing up then position the cushion front on top with right sides facing together. Pin in place to secure, checking that the overlap of the envelope back is lying correctly. Stitch around all four sides, trim away excess at corners then turn right sides out. Push corners out using bamboo tool then press cushion front and back.
Step 14: Stich ‘in the ditch’ where the cushion border (blue blender) meets the patterned fabrics. This will create an edged design to the cushion.

Step 15: Press then insert cushion inner then the cushion is ready to enjoy

Made by Angela Harkness for The Craft Cotton Co 2017