Project by Michelle Roberts at Creative Blonde

Follow this tutorial, to make your own Flower Power quilt with matching cushion cover to create a gorgeous gift for Mother's Day that will last forever.
Please read through all the instructions before starting your project
Finished size of quilt 36 ½” x 48”. Cushion 18” square.
2 FQ’s Pack of ‘Brights’ from Craft Cotton Co
2 yards of solid white
2.2 yards of ‘tone on tone’ backing fabric plus cushion
5x strips of Freezer paper, 18” long
8” x 12” piece of Vlieseline Bondaweb
48” x 50” cotton Poly Heritage batting
Threads from Gutermann
18” cushion pad
Haberdashery items
· Quilters ruler, rotary cutter/scissors
· Iron
· Cutting mat
· Basic sewing supplies
· Fabric pen
· Odif 505 basting spray or pins
· Petal, centres, and leaf template
· ‘Creative Grids’ round up tool ruler (optional)

Making the Cushion…
If freezer paper applique is a new technique for you, I would advise making the cushion first, before tackling the quilt.
From the 2.2 yards of tone-on-tone fabric cut.
· 48” x 50” piece for the quilt backing
· 18” square for the cushion front
· Two 18” x 12” pieces for the cushion backing
**Freezer paper applique technique **
Print and cut out the petal template or using the ruler (10” curve), cut a petal from 6 different pieces of ‘Brights’ fabrics. Using the freezer paper template cut out 6 petals. If you are using the ruler, cut one side of the curve, rotate, and move ruler 3/8” over to create a smaller petal.

Pin freezer paper to the wrong side of the fabric, with waxy side facing up. Turn and press seam allowance over using the tip of a small iron, the freezer paper with fuse to the fabric. (No need to snip into the curve)
Repeat for all 6 petals. See my video on Instagram/Facebook
Lets get sewing…
Take the 18” square and fold into quarter to mark the centre. Open up and fuse petals in place with iron. Petals can be hand sewn in place or use a stem stitch on your machine using a thread to match. (DO NOT REMOVE THE PAPERS YET). Tuck points in as you go.

Remove freezer papers by making a small slit in the wrong side of the fabric.

Using the templates, trace and cut out one flower centre and one leaf onto the paper side of the Bondaweb. Cut out roughly and fuse to chosen fabrics. Carefully cut out. Peel away paper and fuse to cushion cover. FMQ around both applique pieces.

To create the envelope backing. Take the 18” x 12” piece, and fold and press over ½” of one 18” raw edges, fold and press over another ½”. Top stitch 1/8” from edge. Repeat with other 18” x 12” piece.

Lay front of cushion facing up, then place the two backing pieces overlapping each other – right sides facing down. Be sure to lay the raw edges towards the outer edge. Pin and sew ½” around the whole cushion.
Snip corners turn and press. Add cushion pad.

Making the quilt…
Using the same process as above, but this time cut 6 petals from each chosen piece of fabric, repeat to create 9 flowers, making a total of 54 petals. Cut 54 freezer paper pieces and fuse together using the same method shown in the video.

Trim the 2-yard piece of solid white fabric to measure 48” x 50”.
Pin the flowers in place, chose 3 flowers to halve to give an effect of a repeating pattern, as shown below, leaving a 1” raw edge around the whole quilt.

Go ahead and sew all the flowers in place, using the process shown above for the cushion.
Remove freezer papers.
Using the leaf template, trace 14 leaves onto the paper side of the bondaweb. Fuse to dark green fabric. Carefully cut out each leaf and fuse to quilt. Repeat this process for the 9 yellow flower centres. FMQ around all applique.

With the top quilt complete, baste the wadding and backing pieces to create your quilt sandwich.
Quilt using your preferred method. Trim quilt to measure 36 ½” x 48”.
Using a FQ cut 10 strips measuring 1 ½” x 22”. Join each end together (join at a right angle with RST, sew along the diagonal, trim away excess) to create a piece long enough to go around the whole quilt.
Sew with RST ¼” from raw edge around the whole quilt. Press over ¼” of raw edge and hand sew to the reverse of the quilt to finish.

Your ‘Flower Power’ quilt is complete

To see more of my tutorials, you can follow my blog and/or Instagram page and
Stockist for Fabric and Batting
Stockist for Gutermann
Stockist for Vlieseline Bondaweb
Made by Michelle Roberts for The Craft Cotton Company 2021