Project by Paula Milner

Why should something practical be boring?! Choose fun prints that make you smile for this day-to-day household make. Using the Bosal Poly-Therm fleece allows the ‘heat to be reflected back to source’ – what a clever product! This how-to uses an existing oven glove as a pattern, but you could also make a ‘mitt’ shape using your hand as a guide.
Bosal Poly-Therm Fleece
Fabric scissors
Sewing machine
Iron and ironing board
1. Choose and Measure
Choose your fabrics and press if required. Lay out an existing oven glove and draw round allowing for additional seam allowance of around 1 inch all over. You will need two layers – one for either side of the glove and additionally two layers of fabric for the lining. Make sure your you do ‘opposite’ sides with your fabric to account for the direction of the ‘thumb’ section of your glove shape.
If you want a ‘pair’ of gloves, cut everything out twice for an additional mitt. If you don’t have an oven glove to use as a shape, you could use your hand as a guide to draw around – but use plenty of extra space to allow the glove to be used effectively.

2. Bosal Poly-Therm Fleece
You will need two layers of Poly-Therm Fleece per SIDE of your oven glove (so four layers of fleece per glove). Cut these out using the fabric you’ve already cut out as your pattern guide. Just like your fabrics, ensure to cut these out with ‘opposite’ sides to account for the direction of the ‘thumb’ section of your glove shape. As detailed below, you need the foil side of this fleece to be at the nearest point of the heat source to ensure this works effectively.

3. Construct - OUTER
Lay 1 layer of your fleece with the metal/foil side facing UP. Add a layer of your fabric glove right side UP. Next, add a layer of your fabric glove right side DOWN (so right sides together) before 1 layer of your fleece with the metal/foil side DOWN. So you have in order: fleece foil UP, fabric UP, fabric DOWN, fleece foil DOWN. This ensures that when you turn the glove out the right way after sewing that the fabric will have right sides out and the metal protective side will be nearest the point of heat source.

4. Sew – OUTER
Pin these layers together to secure and sew around the edge using ½ inch sewing seam allowance.

5. Trim and turn out – OUTER
Cut small snips into the seam allowance to allow movement on the rounded edges. This will make it easier to turn out and remove ‘puckering’ of the outer fabric. Turn your outer glove out the right way.

6. Construct and Sew – LINING
You will need to repeat the above, exactly the same again to create the lining – the difference here, is that you need to do the opposite with your foil lining.
Lay 1 layer of your fleece with the metal/foil side facing DOWN. Add a layer of your fabric glove right side UP. Next, add a layer of your fabric glove right side DOWN (so right sides together) before 1 layer of your fleece with the metal/foil side UP. So you have in order: fleece foil DOWN, fabric UP, fabric DOWN, fleece foil UP. This ensures you have the foil side in the direction of the heat source.
After you sew together – you won’t be turning out your glove the ‘right’ way.

7. Put Together
Once you have sewn your lining layers, insert the lining glove inside the outer glove. Push the edges as far together as you can.

8. Cuff
Turn in the cuff edges about 1 inch and pin into position before sewing around the cuff using a ½ inch sewing seam allowance.
Repeat with your second glove.

Et voila! Oven gloves… Enjoy!

The Crafty Lass®
Made by Paula Milner for The Craft Cotton Company 2020