This tartan tote is perfect for Winter.
What you need
1 Set of Brushed Tartan FQ’s by The Craft Cotton Company
Calico or Heavy Weight backing fabric
½ Metre of Navy Blue Plain Dyed Cotton by The Craft Cotton Co
Step 1
I cut my lining Fabric 16 ½” x 18” and made up the same measurements from the Tartan and cotton.
Step 2
Mark out a 3” Square on the bottom of the 2 outer fabric pieces & lining fabrics. Cut out.
Step 3
Make a Dog Template (I’m not too good at drawing) J Draw round it onto some fusible interfacing then iron it onto the reverse of Navy Cotton Fabric.
Step 4
Pin it into place, and slowly stitch round.
Step 5
Using 12” x 4” strips of the Navy cotton, fold in either side of strip and iron flat, then fold in so the two edges meet to make a neat edge, iron & Sew all around.
Step 6
To create the base box section, put the two lining pieces R/S together & sew down both sides. As shown in the picture below also sew the bottom but leave a 3-4” gap in the centre.
Repeat for the Tartan & Cotton outer fabric, but also sew across the whole of the bottom section.
Step 7
I find it difficult to explain making up the box base, but it’s very easy in theory. Pull the two sides out where you made the cuts and it should all fall into place (as below) Where the pins are you need to sew across then pin & repeat for the top part shown in the picture. Do the same for the outer bag.
Step 8
Now place the outer bag right side out, inside the lining which is wrong side out. Find the centre of the back and front and mark it, then mark 2” each side of the centre, this will be the position of the handles.
Step 9
Now sandwich the handles between the lining and outer fabric.
Step 10
Pin to secure, then sew all around the top a couple of times so as to strengthen the handles.
Step 11
Gently pull the right side out from the gap you left in the lining, sew up the gap. Finger press the top of the bag down then topstitch round to neaten.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
It’s a fun make to do, especially as autumn and winter approach the Brushed Tartan is warm and cheerful, perfect for a Gift or why not keep it yourself?
Please share your makes with me on Instagram @bobbincottagebodkin
Made by Paula Milner for The Craft Cotton Co 2018